Today’s lesson of the day is if you’re gonna run afoul of the game warden in Texas, don’t post it on Facebook. It’s well known that Game Wardens in Texas are a force to be reckoned with. They can and will prosecute illegal hunting and fishing anywhere they find it. Now beware that they’ll be checking Facebook in their spare time.
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department reports that South Texas resident Luis Castro found out the hard way. He recently decided to go fishing without a license. While doing so, he caught and kept 9 oversized red drums. According to the TPWD, the legal limit for red fish is 3 a day, and they have to be between 20 and 28 inches. One oversized can be kept, but only with a properly affixed tag for the redfish.
After his brother posted this photo with the caption, “just for fun” local game wardens were contacted by numerous people who had seen it and were upset by what they saw.
After reviewing state records they were able to positively identify Castro and contact him directly. Following an interview and statement from him, the Willacy county Justice Of The Peace issued an arrest warrant and he was picked up by Game Warden November 6th. He was released after arraignment and given a court date of November 19th.
Anglers on several social media sites were posting negative comments, and a day after the picture was originally posted, it was removed,” said Game Warden Maj. Alan Teague. “However, the picture had been saved by many anglers and reposted.”

Teague mentioned the post having traveled as far away as online fishing groups in Florida, saying that despite Castro deleting the post, anglers everywhere had saved it out of anger. Justice of the Peace George Solice fined Castro $2,600 with an additional $2,645.91 in civil restitution, but not before he verbally dressed him down about the importance of the fishing industry and conservation in our state, both of which Castro disregarded.
Long story short, don’t hunt or fish illegally, especially if you plan on posting about it on Facebook.