10. Car Dealers That Accept Guns As Down Payments
Some Texans own guns that are so valuable, they’re as good as cash.
9. Heavy Duty Vehicles
8. A Random Horse
Sometimes you just gotta tie your horse up and run inside real quick.
7. Random Horses
Sonic Fountain Drinks are hard to pass up during happy hour. Even for Cowboys.
6. Someone Texting And Riding
Don’t text and ride yall. It’s unsafe.
5. Someone Making Using A Payphone
Not everyone can afford a cell phone.

4. Someone Going To The Mall
Where do they park those things?
3. People Going For A Walk In A Neighborhood
Horses need exercise too. Even ones that live in neighborhoods.
2. People Waiting In Line
Even on a horse, we know how to wait in line.
1. A Guy Getting His Daily Starbucks Fix
Cowboy or not, everyone loves to treat themselves to Starbucks in Texas.