There are a lot of high schools in Texas, which means at least some of them will have some goofy looking and sounding mascots. Here are our favorites.
12. Calhoun Sand crabs
This is one of the funniest looking mascots I’ve seen around. Real sand crabs are cuter than they are scary, but maybe that’s the point. With all the other mascots in this state being intimidating, maybe the idea was to stand out from the crowd. Well congrats Calhoun, you’ve done the job.
11. Texas City Stingarees
This guy is one part terrifying and one part hilarious. He kind of looks like he swallowed a giant cowboy hat.
10. Frost Polar Bears
Well there’s something you don’t see every day. I’m not referring to the pose as much as the Polar Bear. This being the hot state of Texas, you don’t often see many polar bears running around. The mascot definitely fits the city name though.

9. Brazosport Exporters
Brazosport is a big shipping city, so it makes sense to go with the Exporters as a mascot. I just find it kinda funny to use crane operators, ship captains, and truck drivers as a football mascot.
8. New Braunfels Unicorns
Props to New Braunfels for going with a mythical creature for their mascot. I wonder if this guy is as magical as he is hilarious.
7. Mesquite Skeeters
I’d actually opt to say that this guy is creepier than he is funny. If my school was playing Mesquite, I’d keep my distance from this guy or I’d carry around a giant can of Deep Woods Off.