30 Reasons Texas Is Amazing and Your State Sucks

11. Dr Pepper


Dr Pepper yall. Seriously. Also, there’s no period in Dr Pepper, period. I don’t know what beverages you refresh yourself with where you’re from, but it’s garbage compared to this sweet Texas Elixir. I know it is.

10. You Don’t Know What This Is


I bet you don’t even know what this is. Shame on you. The contents are amazing and are considered an eating utensil in our great state. If you still haven’t figured it out, then well, your state sucks.

9. We Have Our Own Language

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Texans don’t talk funny. Y’all do.

8. Asking People This Is Awesome


Seeing the annoyed look on people’s face when we flex our pride is awesome. In fact, the look no their face right now is kinda like the one you’ve got on your face right now. I know, it sucks to suck. That’s why I’m glad I live in Texas, a state that doesn’t suck.

7. Did I Mention That We Ride Horses?

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Texas Humor Shirt

6. Chili Is The National Dish Of Texas


We love chili. Like seriously LOVE chili. We also know that if you know beans about chili, you know that there are no beans in chili. Seriously yall. What’s your state’s official dish? Hot Dogs?

5. Tex-Mex


While we’re on the subject of food, Tex-Mex. Our own brand of Mexican food that mixes all the best things about Texas and Mexico in to a bunch of delicious foods.

4. Lupinus Texensis aka Texas Bluebonnets


Every spring time, Texas reminds us how much it loves us by sprouting millions if not billions of Bluebonnets along our highways. Yet another thing you’ll only find in Texas, which is why your state sucks.

3. Our Flag Is Fashionable Enough To Wear


Any girl wearing this is instantly hotter in my eyes. Does your state have its own line of flag bathing suits? Didn’t think so.

2. Blue Bell Ice Cream


I understand that you think you have ice cream in your state, but you don’t. What you have is trash. We have ice cream. Real ice cream. Ice cream so good, we enjoy it in the winter too.

1. God Blessed Texas


God is a Texan. We know because we have this proof. Sorry he’s not from your state. That must suck.

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